PowerShell Operator

An operator is a language element that you can use in a command or expression. Like other programming languages PowerShell also supports multiple operators for different types of operations. Microsoft has published a detailed article about operators. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_operators?view=powershell-7.1 Here are the short definition of few commonly used operators and their examples:

Speak through PowerShell script

Hi Friends, During my observations of .net assemblies stored  in C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL, a new funny script I have developed from the assembly System.speech. You can try your own with new sentence as I wrote my name to say good morning. #Script start ————————— Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech $speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer #$speak.SelectVoiceByHints([System.Speech.Synthesis.VoiceGender]::NotSet) $speak.SelectVoice(‘Microsoft Zira Desktop’) $DatenTime =… Continue reading Speak through PowerShell script

PowerShell script to Modify Lenovo BIOS settings.

Hello All This is a complete new post which I want to show you how to update lenovo BIOS setting using PowerShell script. These are the Lenovo WMI classes avilable to administer BIOS under the below namespace. Namespace: “\root\WMI” Through WMI, you can configure BIOS settings in the following ways: • List BIOS settings •… Continue reading PowerShell script to Modify Lenovo BIOS settings.

Baseline to achieve software update compliance [Resolve software update state unknown, waiting for install, pending verification and past due expired issue]

In IT industry many people often asked how to increase their software update compliance and we follows many tasks to achieve the compliance however, in sometimes our task got fail to achieve the goal so that we are scolded by the higher management or by client. As everybody knows recently we faced Wannacry Ransomeware malware… Continue reading Baseline to achieve software update compliance [Resolve software update state unknown, waiting for install, pending verification and past due expired issue]

Resolve past due will be expired,Waiting for install and pending verification software update deployment issues.

Create configuration Item. Open SCCM console → Asset and compliance → Compliance settings→ right click on Configuration items and Create New configuration Item. Click Next and add supported platforms as per your requirements. Click Next → on settings page click on new to define a new setting. Now Add Discovery script and remediation script. Discovery… Continue reading Resolve past due will be expired,Waiting for install and pending verification software update deployment issues.

ConfigMgr 2012 SQL queries

Some SCCM SQL queries used in daily activities, hope it may help you. 0.1 Get Software Update compliance status : Select m.Name0,bulletinid,Title,CASE ucs.Status WHEN 0 THEN ‘Status is unknown’ WHEN 1 THEN ‘NotRequired’ WHEN 2 THEN ‘Missing’ WHEN 3 THEN ‘Installed’ WHEN 9 THEN ‘Reboot Pending’ WHEN 6 THEN ‘General Failure’ WHEN 11 THEN ‘Failed… Continue reading ConfigMgr 2012 SQL queries